Membership at the gym is exclusively class based, therefore, you can be assured you never have to worry about queuing for the squat rack or the rower again.
For too long, I have seen too many people, in commercial gyms across the country, training with intense effort and for long periods of time, only to get de-motivated when they don't see results or even worse injured
You see the simple fact is it success in the gym boils down to a few simple ingredients:
Technique - It's not how much you lift, it's how you lift it.
Never do an exercise incorrectly or inefficiently again.
Our Muscles have a job to do, to name but two, they provide us with support and allow us to move around, and they are incredibly efficient at doing so - so efficient in fact they work together in order to get the job done. Take a bicep curl for example, if you lift a weight that is too heavy for your current level of strength, then the brain recruits the back and shoulder muscles to complete the rep.
Our brains don't understand (or care) that we want bigger arms, they just follow the instruction to lift the external resistance as instructed.
Consistency - 80% of success is just showing up - Woody Allen
Unfortunately, 80% is also the number of gym memberships which go unused (IHRSA, 2018).
So, if 80% of success is just showing up and 80% of people don't show up, then it's clear, this is why they are successfully not seeing results!
At Brian Brennan Coaching, you won't be part of the 80% who don't use their membership; Why? Because my goal is to keep you accountable, motivated and focused on achieving your goals, which means, if you are not attending your sessions, I will work with you to come up with a solution to get you back on track
Progressive Overload - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Why do so many people quit the gym? Because they stop seeing results, that's it. They stop seeing a return on their investment and wouldn't you quit too? I probably would too.
Not here though, all my programmes are planned out in advance with progressive overload in mind, I am not going to simply throw sets and reps at you and shout motivational quotes at you (well maybe some motivational quotes).
My programmes run in cycles, some months we will focus on strength, other months, power or endurance or muscle size, (don't worry, you won't get "too big", trust me, I have been trying for years, it's not that easy). You see the simple fact is, in order to change, you must provide your body with a reason to change - basically, we need to place continual levels stress on our muscles to force adaptation, we need to make them work harder than they are used to.